Little Irish girl steps in and steals the show during street dancing performance

Author: | Category: dance

When dance champion Emma O’Sullivan performed a dance routine in Galway, Ireland, she never knew that she would meet a little girl who pulled off the same dance moves. Could it be that the present dance champion has met a future one?

Emma O ‘Sullivan was raised in Connemara, Ireland which is within the county of Galway. Emma has kept dancing on the streets of Galway for tourists and residents, even with a resume like hers.

During one of these performances, one audience member stole the show away from Emma, but even Emma seemed okay with it! That is because the person that stole the show was the cutest little girl that wanted to dance just like Emma! At the end of the performance the crowd gave a rousing applause! The applause was not only for Emma O’Sullivan but the little girl as well.

Credit photo/video: Youtube