When “Hallelujah” Plays, Skater’s Chilling Performance Moves Stadium To Silence

Figure skating is a great sport that reveals a lot of aesthetics and which became popular in the mid-19th century. Professionals generally handle grace and technique, while training their physical condition on a day-to-day basis. Skating on the ice, performing improbable tricks while arousing emotion is not within everyone’s reach.

In the video below, you will discover the program of skater Taryn Jurgensen, who represented Thailand during a competition. Born in 1992, she has already been doubly honored with the title of national champion of her country. In the sequence that follows, we hear the very first notes of the legendary song “Hallelujah”.

His video has already been viewed nearly 5 million times since 2010. We discover an audience transported by emotion, overwhelmed jurors who did not hesitate to give him excellent marks. For information, its choreography was signed by Karen Kwan-Oppegard.

The video is shown below ↓

When “Hallelujah” Plays, Skater’s Chilling Performance Moves Stadium To Silence

Credit photo/video: Youtube

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