Dancing Pair Grabs 1st Place Sporting Smooth Moves

Author: | Category: dance

No matter how old you are, dancing is a way to work off extra calories or just have a good time with your friends. In 2017, Sam West took the stage with much younger dancing partner Autumn Jones in the Grand Nationals Carolina Classic dance competition.

The duo showed onlookers that age is just a number, and West kept up without fail—swinging his hips around to the classic tune “Pink Cadillac” by Bruce Springsteen and Jerry Lee Lewis. The dance moves ended up winning the pair the entire competition.

The two both have incredible talent and groovy dancing chemistry. Older people don’t just have to sit around and snap along to the beat. Sam shows that with practice and passion, anyone can be the king or queen of the dance floor.

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Dancing Pair Grabs 1st Place Sporting Smooth Moves

Credit photo/video: Youtube