Homeless Man From Canada Plays Piano Beautifully

Author: | Category: music

A YouTube video of a man playing the piano has recently racked up close to 4 million views. His name is Ryan Arcand and he has unfortunately been living on the street for 30 years. In this video you see him playing the piano in Churchill Square, located in downtown Edmonton (Canada).

He is a member of the Alexander First Nation but was raised off reserve in foster care with his younger brother, Blake. It was in one of those foster homes where the boys eventually found solace through their mutual love of music.

Arcand first fell in love with the piano around age 8. He taught himself to play and wrote his first song, the one from the online video, when he was just 13. His Aunt, Ruth Arcand, said she always knew the two brothers were talented and she’s happy that her nephew is finally being noticed.

“I want to tell him, ‘Come on, and wake up! This is your chance to get out of this,’” said Ruth. “He doesn’t have to live his life in the dark.”

The video is shown below ↓

Homeless Man From Canada Plays Piano Beautifully

Credit photo/video: Youtube