93-Year-Old Woman Sings Heartwarming Gospel Song on Guitar

Author: | Category: song
In general, Christian and gospel songs are some of the more uplifting and positive kind of music that you’ll hear. These tunes can give you hope during dark times, motivate you to chase after your dreams and make you feel grateful for your loved ones Classic hymns have a

She joins the street musician to sing “Ave Maria”. A little one seems very interested

Author: | Category: song
Vincent van Hessen is a street musician. It usually operates near restaurants. But on this day especially, his performance was memorable. When he started the famous song “Ave Maria” by Johann Sebastian Bach, he was not alone. A little girl named Amira Willinghagen accompanied him. She was the big

Grandma finally graduates 60 years after starting college and receives touching tribute

Author: | Category: Uncategorized
Angela Davidson’s journey to academic success is a tale of perseverance, change, and the evolving role of women in education and professional fields. In the early 1960s, Angela was one of just six women among 36 students in her veterinary class at the University of Liverpool. Her story, however,

Lady in blue starts moving her hips in shopping center and a “mob” of seniors follow suit

Author: | Category: Uncategorized
A group of seniors strolled into a public space and broke out in a remarkably synchronized dance. Effectively, they formed what could be described as the world’s most seasoned flash mob. This event was not just a spectacle of synchronized steps but a testament to the enduring spirit and

Barbie and Ken ‘dolls’ are carried to stage and crowd starts cheering when they begin dancing

Author: | Category: dance
Welcome to the dazzling realm of ballroom dance, where Alexander and Veronika Voskalchuk’s “Barbie & Ken” show dance at the 2019 Fred Astaire New York & New Jersey Regional Competitions is a shining example of the art’s splendor. Captured by Panache Star Video, their performance is a marvel of

Talented women put on their cowboy hats and strut their stuff in fun line dance routine

Author: | Category: Uncategorized
If you’re looking for a video that will make you smile, this line dance set to “Cowboy Yodel” is perfect for you. The video also shows just how accessible line dance is. Set to the lively tunes of country music, this beginner-friendly dance welcomes individuals of every age into

Women Line Dance to Alan Jackson’s “Chattahoochee”

Author: | Category: dance
Everyone loves to dance, even if you’re good or bad at it, and there are many forms of dancing all around the world. One way is very popular with beginner dancers because there isn’t any pressure to be amazing, and that is line dancing. In this video, we see

Homeless man plays piano in street, people were shocked

Author: | Category: music
A few years ago, a homeless man sat in front of an abandoned piano in the city of kyiv in Ukraine to play a musical piece for passers-by who stopped to listen. This man has few material goods, but is extremely rich in talent… The piece he decided to

Disguised Concert Pianist Jumps On Airport Piano For Epic “Bohemian Rhapsody” Performance

Author: | Category: music
Anyone who has flown before knows it takes something really special to stop you in your tracks at the airport, even when you have a few minutes to spare. A concert-worthy piano performance proved to be one of those unique moments! Numerous airline passengers were pleasantly surprised by the

A Stranger Joined Elderly Man At The Piano And My Mind Was Blown

Author: | Category: music
An elderly man was playing the piano at platform 88 when Brendan Kavanaugh, joined him and the rest is history. Kavanaugh is a popular YouTuber who is known to play and serenade piano players at stations and airports. This new video of a spontaneous duet with an Irish senior