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88 year old lady with alzheimers plays guitar and sings with her son

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Alzheimer’s can be difficult to deal with, especially when your loved one doesn’t remember special details that mean so much to you. Kelly Ridings from Dalton, Georgia knows these struggles all too well — his mother lives in an assisted living home and suffers from the disease. After all

This Unique Music Video of ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ Has Been Viewed Over 800 millions Times

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“Somewhere Over The Rainbow” is pretty much everybody’s favorite song ever. Maybe not everyone’s, but even if you hate it, you probably know all the words. I can sing every note just not very well. Every time I hear this amazing song, I’m taken back to my childhood, and

93-Year-Old Woman Sings Heartwarming Gospel Song on Guitar

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In general, Christian and gospel songs are some of the more uplifting and positive kind of music that you’ll hear. These tunes can give you hope during dark times, motivate you to chase after your dreams and make you feel grateful for your loved ones Classic hymns have a