Woman joins busker for impromptu ‘Shallow’ duet and her voice has heads turning !

Author: | Category: song

In a remarkable street performance video, a spontaneous duet of “Shallow” by Lady Gaga takes center stage. Street performer Luke Silva is unexpectedly joined by Amber, a random passerby who proves to be an exceptional singer.

This impromptu collaboration creates a magical moment that captivates the audience and showcases Amber’s hidden talent. With a combination of humor, surprise, and sheer musical brilliance, this duet has amassed an impressive 3.2 million views, resonating with viewers worldwide.

“Shallow,” a powerful ballad from the movie “A Star is Born,” features Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. The song captures the emotional journey of its characters, portraying themes of love, vulnerability, and the longing for deeper connections…

Credit photo/video: Youtube