Magical moment – Giant Syrian bear snuggles with rescuer

Author: | Category: Animals

The Orphaned Wildlife Center, located in Otisville, New York, is more than just a rescue center for wild animals. For Jim and Susan, the center’s owners, it is a place where love and compassion for animals run deep.

The couple has been managing everything out of their rescue center with the help of a few volunteers, and their specialty is caring for Kodiak and Syrian bears. Jim and Susan’s love for their bears is genuinely inspiring.

They have cared for them as if they were their children. Some of the residents at the center are Amy, Jenny, Randy, Rose, and Leo. All the bears are close to the owners and consider them family members.

Leo, a 28-year-old Syrian brown bear, is the cleverest bear. He is fond of his toys but loves playing with Jim the most. One day, Jim took a break from restoring old tractors and decided to spend time with Leo.

So, despite being covered in green dust, Jim visits Leo and even gets green dust on the bear too. Jim and Leo’s bond is exceptional. As they lay on the ground, Leo kept sniffing Jim, and Jim playfully teased the giant bear.

Credit photo/video: Facebook
